Preparation - can be difficult, depends on how you make the ravioli
Serves 6
First, make or buy the ravioli 'skins' - you can do a simple ravioli, or more challenging versions: Ravioli I, or Ravioli II
STUFFING:- 5 ozs ricotta
- 3/4 lb mozzarella
- 1/4 lb prosciutto crudo, a bit on the fat side, cut very thin by machine and then cut by hand into very narrow strips
- 1 oz freshly grated Parmesan cheese
- 1 TBSP finely chopped parsley
- 1 egg
- salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
- 1/4 lb butter
- 1/4 lb freshly grated Parmesan cheese
- white pepper
- PASS the ricotta through a sieve into a bowl. Dice the mozzarella fairly finely, and add this, the ham, the 1 oz of grated Parmesan, the chopped parsley, the egg, and salt and pepper to the ingredients in the bowl.
- MIX the contents of the bowl carefully until you have a smooth homogeneous paste. Use this for stuffing the ravioli which you can make following the instructions in Spinach and ricotta with butter and sage or Toasted ravioli.
- COOK the ravioli in abundant boiling salted water for 4 or 5 minutes, tasting one at the end of this time to check if they are properly cooked.
- WHILE they are cooking melt the butter, but don't let it color.
- WHEN the ravioli are cooked put a layer in the bottom of a heated serving dish, using a perforated ladle to transfer them.
- SPRINKLE this layer with some of the grated Parmesan, pepper and pour a little of the melted butter on top. Repeat this process until all the ravioli, cheese and butter are used up.
Adapted from:
The Complete Book of Pasta
Enrica and Vernon Jarratt
Michael Joseph Ltd.

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