Insalata verde mista
Preparation - Easy
Serves 4
The proportions given here for oil and vinegar, as well as the choice of greens, are only suggestions Indeed, in Italy we often prefer lemon to vinegar in salad. It is important to use a fine extra virgin oil and to be careful not to overwhelm it with the vinegar. Taste as you go.
Be sure that the greens are thoroughly dry before you coat them with the dressing. Toss the salad in the dressing using your hands or wooden spoons, being careful not to bruise the greens. You can substitute or add young spinach leaves, watercress, mustard greens, young dandelion greens (more bitter), radicchio, etc.
- l/4 head escarole
- 1/2 head Bibb lettuce
- 10 (3/4 oz) leaves of arugula
- 1/4 head romaine or cos lettuce
- 10 (3/4 oz) leaves of radicchio
- 1/4 head chicory (curly)
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1 tablespoons wine vinegar or fresh lemon juice
- 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
- freshly ground black pepper
Large, non-reactive bowl(glass, stainless, enamel, clay).
WASH the greens several times until free of all dirt. Dry thoroughly. (At this point, if the salad is not to be served at once, the greens can be wrapped in tea towels or placed in plastic bags and refrigerated until needed.)
AT serving time, put the salt in a small bowl and add the vinegar or lemon juice. Stir until the salt is dissolved. Add the olive oil and a few grinds of pepper to taste, mix well.
TEAR the greens into bite-size pieces with your hands. Pour the dressing over the greens, tossing until the greens are thoroughly coated. Add additional salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste.
Italian Cooking in the Grand Tradition
Jo Bettoja and Anna Maria Cornetto
The Dial Press
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