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Preparation - Medium
Serves 6
According to tradition this dish was born in 1525, on the day King Francis I of France was defeated by Emperor Charles V of the Holy Roman Empire. The king pronounced the historical phrase "Everything is lost but honor." But there was at least one other thing he hadn't lost-his appetite. He stormed the Pavese countryside, famished, in search of something to eat.
Finally he arrived at a farm where a peasant woman was brewing a soup. The king told her who he was and that he was very hungry. The woman placed a piece of old bread in a bowl, covered it with broth and then, thinking that this food was not noble enough for a king, even a defeated one, she went to the henhouse, picked up two eggs and broke them into his soup bowl. Naturally the recipe has grown a bit more sophisticated since then. "Francesco Ghedini - Northern Italian Cooking".
INGREDIENTS:- 6 TBSP unsalted butter
- 2 TBSP olive oil
- 6 slices Italian style bread, 1 inch slices, fried
- 6 cups chicken or beef broth
- 6 eggs
- Salt and freshly ground white pepper
- 1 1/4 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese

- Heat the butter and olive oil in a skillet and sauté the bread browning on both sides. Remove and place on paper towels.
- Meanwhile bring the broth to a simmer and keep it there.
- Heat individual soup plates or bowls in an oven.
- Place a slice of bread in each bowl or plate.
- Break an egg onto the bread, being careful not to break the yolk.
- Sprinkle with Parmesan, salt and pepper to taste.
- Once all eggs are placed on the toast carefully ladle the very hot broth onto the eggs in the bowls.
- The heat of the broth should cook the eggs.
- If the eggs are not cooked to your taste, place in a hot oven for a minute or two.
- Serve with extra Parmesan at table.
Northern Italian Cooking
Francesco Ghedini

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